Excited Biologist Announces: “I Know Why Birds Suddenly Appear Every Time You Are Near!”

University of Maine’s Dr. Robert Arlington will tell you that he’s been a Biologist for most of his adult life, but a fan of music since the day he was born.  That’s why he was very excited to get to the bottom of a mystery that has been tantalizing the human race for ages.

“Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?” Dr. Arlington sings to this Modern Philosopher when we meet in his office on the school’s Orono campus.

“Because they want to be close to me?” I answer, unsure if I need to phrase my reply in the form of a song.

Dr. Arlington, a pleasant man in his mid-fifties laughs at my reply.  With him in his lab coat and I in my toga, we look like a couple of old school scholars yacking it up as we ponder the deeper thoughts of life.  In truth, I am begrudgingly doing a favor for a friend in Administration who got me center ice seats for U Maine’s recent hockey game against Boston College.  Payback is, in fact, a bitch, my dear Modern Philosophers!

Rather than bore you with the details of Dr. Arlington’s research, I’ll boil it down to the nuts and bolts for you.  He spent a year living in the North Woods and earning the trust of the birds there.  Once he had their trust, he had to learn their language.  After that, it was just a matter of working the conversation around to his big question.

The birds’ answer?  I’ll let the good doctor tell you: “Birds like to be around woman with pretty hair because they want to steal the hair to make their nests.  Mystery solved.”

Mystery solved indeed.  And since I will one day again want hockey tickets to a sold out game, I played nice and asked Dr. Arlington what’s next for him now that this great challenge was out of the way.

Don’t shoot the messenger.  I just write down what the interviewee says to me.  Next up for the bird chatterer?  He’s going to tackle another mind boggler.  Oh, I’ll just let him tell you so I can try to save some face on this entry.

“I’m going to team with a friend in the Math Department to calculate exactly how much wood a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood.”

I told you it was painful.  Damn you, U Maine Hockey for being such a difficult ticket!


About Austin

Native New Yorker who's fled to the quiet life in Maine. I write movies, root for the Yankees, and shovel lots of snow.
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19 Responses to Excited Biologist Announces: “I Know Why Birds Suddenly Appear Every Time You Are Near!”

  1. LOL! Remind me to always wear a helmet in the Spring time. In the desert, nesting materials are scarce, I could be snatched bald!

  2. gatesitter says:

    Most enjoyable! And please do let us all know the answer to the wood chuck puzzle, I’ve lost untold hours of slumber to this big question. Have fun at the hockey game !

  3. One mystery solved, now onto the woodchucks. Something tells me that may take some time.

  4. Austin says:

    Reblogged this on The Return of the Modern Philosopher and commented:

    For some reason, this post from the early days of the blog is getting a ton of hits today. Thought I’d share it with my newer followers who missed it the first time around. Try not to get the song stuck in your head!

  5. floridaborne says:

    Entertaining, funny, light and how Neanderthal. ““Birds like to be around woman with pretty hair….” Try listening to it with a text reader and you tell me how it sounds. Text reader, you may ask? I’ll be glad to give you the link to the first of the 4-part blog about it if you would like.

    Did he find a wood chuck or does he have to wait until groundhog day for one to come out of hiding? Inquiring moms want to know. Or is that minds? It’s been so long since I’ve had to think…

  6. Great article! And I love the title reference to the Carpenters’ song 🙂

  7. Lin says:

    LOL, great story! 😀

  8. Leslie Jo says:

    Crying from laughing over here! I think birds suddenly appear every time I walk near to crap on my head because it’s happened at least twice that I can remember.(Disclaimer: I love bird-watching and regularly feed them in the window boxes just outside my office so I can watch them. Plus, there’s less of a chance of getting bird crap on your head if you’re inside.)

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