A Reminder About The Serious Side Of Winter

Juno HouseI will always be the first in line, Modern Philosophers, to use humor as a weapon against anything in life that causes stress, pain, sadness, and anything negative.

I definitely believe that laughter is the best medicine, and while I am still not a doctor, I prescribe it like this is Canada and all the medications are free.

Sometimes, however, we need to take a step back from the funny to look at something seriously.

My fear of driving in snow is well known.  I am open about it, and even poke fun at myself about it on the blog.  I know I am slowly overcoming this fear, by I’m making progress at about the same pace that I drive Zombie Car in a blizzard.

This morning, something horrible happened in Maine during the morning commute.  It was snowing fairly hard, and there was a horrific accident on I 95.

According to the latest reports, 75 vehicles were involved in the pile up, including a school bus and multiple tractor trailers.

No one was killed in the incident, which is a miracle considering the photos I have seen from the crash site.  Cars totally destroyed.   An eighteen wheeler on its side in a ditch.  A pickup truck folded up like an accordion.

Much praise must go to Maine’s first responders and to the staffs at both Eastern Maine Medical Center and St. Joseph’s Hospital for their work with the accident victims.

Sat shovelPeople tell me that I need to get used to driving in snow because I live in Maine now.  Something tells me that a majority of the drivers of those 75 vehicles have been driving in Maine longer than I have.  All their experience didn’t keep them from being a part of the horrible wreckage.

Someone was looking out for those people this morning, and for that, I am very thankful.

As much as I rant and rave and joke about this horrible Winter we are having, it is also a very serious issue.

Please be careful out there…

About Austin

Native New Yorker who's fled to the quiet life in Maine. I write movies, root for the Yankees, and shovel lots of snow.
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26 Responses to A Reminder About The Serious Side Of Winter

  1. livingonchi says:

    There’s nothing scarier than driving while it’s actively snowing.

  2. aladywrites4u says:

    I feel bad for anyone who has to drive in bad weather.

  3. Drive for the conditions … That is most important. And be aware of your surroundings. And get snow tires. 😉

  4. That’s why I wrote a novel, sold my house in NH built in 1728 and just about everything I owned and moved to Florida 2 years ago. I commuted to a cubicle in Ipswich, MA 5 days a week and I HATE driving in snow. Today in South Florida it was in the 80’s and humid. Weather is no longer one of life’s hassles.

  5. I think after all these inch-upon-inch-laden snowfalls—with all the unmelted snow still on the ground and piling up—Mainers are getting too complacent/cocky. “Oh, this 5-incher snowfall is nothing, just a dusting. It’s always snowing, let’s drive. And drive at normal speeds.” And that leads to the huge pile-up today. I’m not scared of driving in the snow, but I AM scared of other drivers in the snow. There are some cocky ones out there that aren’t as talented as they think they are. And that makes them dangerous.

  6. I completely agree, it’s not easy driving in bad conditions like this, and honestly one little mishap and havoc can happen. Last night on Nightline they had this clip of learning how to drive in icy/snow conditions. It was a bit of an eye opener. I too have a fear of driving in bad weather such as this. Maybe give it a view for some tips, and there is no shame in having the fear. http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/learning-overcome-icy-driving-phobia-winter-29206691

  7. Pamela Edwards says:

    You know those folks who work with first responders , highway patrol , hospitals , police, fire & rescue are wonderful at what they do . I was in an accident a few yrs ago after a car ran a light & t boned me . That was my first ever ambulance ride & i have a new respect for their job after . It was amazing at the traffic that wouldn’t let them by and pulled out in front of them . I have always said that because someone has a license doesn’t mean they can drive . How do i know this ? Because i see them everyday on the highway . Stay safe out there on the road Austin !

  8. floridaborne says:

    In Florida, there have been 70+ car pile-up in fog. Why people would enter 0 visibility at 70 mph is a mystery to me.

    • Austin says:

      People are not smart when they drive…

    • adamjasonp says:

      I’m guessing work demands and the chances it didn’t start with zero visibility when they started. I would imagine, once on the hway with it, it’s hard to get off.

      • floridaborne says:

        I remember eye witness reports, people who pulled off the side of the road while others went into the fog. Then there were the sounds of crashing. I liked in Florida many years, but also in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Fog scares me as much, if not more, than a blizzard (which I’ve driven in many times, too).

      • adamjasonp says:

        Weather of all sorts can be so dangerous…

      • floridaborne says:

        I remember eye witness reports, people who pulled off the side of the road while others went into the fog. Then there were the sounds of crashing. I lived in Florida many years, but also in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Fog scares me as much, if not more, than a blizzard (which I’ve driven in many times, too).

      • Austin says:

        The Fog was the one movie that freaked me out when I was a teen…

  9. I moved from the Midwest to the West Coast and I thought I knew how to drive in the winter weather. Driving in the mountains is a whole new driving experience and I never heard of freezing fog until I lived here. Then you have the wind gusts ranging from 55 to 125 mph and it still amazes me what can come flying through the air in those conditions. WHEN IT RAINS HERE the roads are like an oil slick because it has not rained in months and all the build up on the roads is like slime. I remember one day a few years back where in the valley it was dark and gray outside with the power going on and off then on my way up to the foothills I hit “dippin dots” is what I called it a mix of rain, sleet, and snow then further up it was snowing and like a white out and when I got to the top there was the most beautiful rainbow that I have ever seen. I call driving here “snowchains to swimsuits” because I have snow chains packed and if I am heading to Sunny California I have a swimsuit packed too – ha!

    Be prepared, give yourself time and just BE SAFE 🙂

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