Rolling Stone Promises Santa Claus Cover For Next Issue

Rolling StoneRolling Stone, the music magazine which is currently raising eyebrows and ire across the country because of the choice of cover subject for its recent issue, has promised the world that its next issue will be far less controversial.

“We’re going to put Santa Claus on the cover,” one Rolling Stone executive promised this Modern Philosopher in a frustrated early morning phone call.  “We’re going to get the biggest, jolliest, merriest person we can find and hope that tells the world we’re not a bunch of bastards.”

This Modern Philosopher is not even going to justify the mag’s current choice of cover model by mentioning who it is.  All I can say is that I never know or really care who graces the front of that magazine, but by early last evening, I was well aware of it as the social media was burning up with the news.

“I said put another sexy blonde singer on the cover,” my source continued as his voice grew more frantic on the other end of the call.  “No one ever gets pissed when you put a hot, half naked chick on the cover.  I said if you want to get controversial, put a rapper on there, maybe give him a gun.  But this?  This was insane!”

Santa Claus“Ho! Ho! Ho!” was Santa’s jolly response when I called to ask him if he’d take the gig as Rolling Stone’s next cover boy.  “I’d have to think about it since I’m having so much fun enjoying my retirement.  Do those folks really think a move like this is enough to get them off the Naughty list?  They’re kidding themselves if they do, Austin!”

Apparently, the decision makers at Rolling Stone don’t read my blog.  If they did, they’d know that Santa Claus had retired to a life in Maine last month.  Just further proof that no one at the magazine has a finger on the pulse of American culture any longer.

What do you think, Modern Philosophers?  Did Rolling Stone screw the pooch with their latest cover choice?  Would putting Santa Claus on the cover make up for it?  Who would you put on the cover if you ran that magazine?

About Austin

Native New Yorker who's fled to the quiet life in Maine. I write movies, root for the Yankees, and shovel lots of snow.
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34 Responses to Rolling Stone Promises Santa Claus Cover For Next Issue

  1. Yes, Rolling Stone screwed the pooch for sure. I would put on the cover maybe one of the survivors of crime/terrorism, an article of how they came back after facing evil to stand strong and proud. Maybe glorify a good person for once. Imagine the controversy then!

  2. Le Clown says:

    I don’t really care who Rolling Stones puts on the cover of its magazine. What bother me more is when Rolling Stones starts emulating the likes of Adbusters. They do not speak to the same demographic audience, and whatever they attempted to do might I’m afraid will be lost in translation.

    Now if only I could see a picture of Gillian Anderson smoking on Adbusters…
    Le Clown

    • Austin says:

      You have such lofty goals! I hope you are able to achieve this one in particular. Perhaps Rolling Stone will one day put you on its cover? We can hope, can’t we? 🙂

      • Le Clown says:

        Jovial: ✓
        Jolly: ✓
        Covered in white hair: ✓
        Magnanimous: ✓
        Absolutely real like Santa and God: ✓
        Le Clown

      • Austin says:

        HA! Can I tell you what I want for Christmas then? 😀

      • Le Clown says:

        But you’re on my “BAD” list…
        Le Clown

      • Austin says:

        Bad??? I’m practically a saint. God sends Archangels down to visit me and deliver His messages to people via my blog. How can I be on the BAD list??? This is an unexpected twist…

  3. So glad I don’t read Rolling Stone (or newspapers, or magazines); I always thought a ‘w/rapper’ was something lollies came in 😉

  4. michaelmulholland says:


  5. Running1 says:

    Way to say what everyone who cares about life thinks about the cover! But wait didn’t realize Santa had retired??

  6. 1wanderingtruthseeker says:

    I’d love to see Magic Mike in all his glory on the cover!

  7. abbybyrd says:

    Funny! I was gonna go the opposite direction and write “Rolling Stone Puzzled By Public Uproar Over Adolf Hitler Cover.”

    • Austin says:

      Thanks. Great minds think alike I guess. My originally idea was about Hitler’s Ghost refusing to pose for the Rolling Stone cover. Santa just seemed safer. 🙂

  8. The person selected for the cover of Rolling Stone and the picture chosen to represent said person are definitely not sitting quite well with me. They could have written the article yet chosen a different picture. Seems he is being portrayed as a “dreamy” 70’s type RockStar – and I feel that’s really messed up. I mean, isn’t it usually an HONOR to be selected to grace the cover of a magazine? I most certainly would love to be on one – so this is what confuses me – why does it seems like Rolling Stone is honoring him? I feel awful for the folks that lost a family member, friend or limb and the pain associated with that. .. Really Rolling Stone? Why are you throwing it in their (and our!) faces ??? Disrespectful, rude, bad taste, insulting and totally unecessary.

  9. p.s.(this post was great by the way! )

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