What Is Spring?

“I don’t care what the calendar says.  If I’m shoveling snow, it isn’t spring!” Aaron declared as he stomped the snow off his boots.

It was Palm Sunday, and the best friends were seated on their favorite bench next to the river.  Of course, they had to clear off the snow first since it had been covered from the previous day’s storm.

Yankees, time travel, Modern Philosopher

“You’re the one who always says spring doesn’t start until April,” Holly reminded him.  She loved tossing his words back in his face to see how he’d react.

“I know that!” he clarified.  “I’m just saying I’m tired of all these people prattling on about how it’s spring because the calendar says it is.  Spring is more of a state of mind.  It doesn’t simply happen on a set schedule.”

“How philosophical of you,” she quipped.  They paused the conversation to enjoy a beverage.  Holly sipped her coffee, while Aaron chugged half his bottle of Snapple.

“Calendars set unrealistic expectations,” Aaron started back in on his rant.  “You see an official looking document stating that spring has sprung, and you expect sunshine, warm weather, and some flowers poking their heads through the dirt.  Instead, you get snow, ice, and naked trees swaying in the stiff wind.”

“Unfortunately, calendars aren’t official documents, so you can’t take out your anger by suing the manufacturers for false advertising,” Holly advised.  “Calendars are really just places to scribble your upcoming appointments while enjoying a silly photo of a cat playing with a ball of yarn.”

Aaron shrugged and swallowed more Snapple.  “I’m just tired of winter.  I’m ready to move on to the next phase.  I want to open some windows, stash the snow shovel, and put on shorts.  I don’t ask for much from life, so the powers that be could at least give me that.”

“Your list of demands is not at all outrageous,” she agreed.  “Hopefully, someone with pull will read this blog post and get you the warmer weather you requested.”

“That would be nice,” he sighed.  “If something were to go right for once, I’d allow myself to be happy for a few moments.  Wouldn’t that be a kick?”

“Definitely,” Holly confirmed.

Tuckered out from all his whining, Aaron turned his attention to the river.  Of course, he couldn’t actually see the water since it was frozen solid, but he looked in that direction nevertheless.

About Austin

Native New Yorker who's fled to the quiet life in Maine. I write movies, root for the Yankees, and shovel lots of snow.
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4 Responses to What Is Spring?

  1. markbialczak says:

    Like Aaron, I’m ready for winter to go, Austin.

    • Austin says:

      Mark, I spent FOUR hours clearing the driveway after writing this post. We had an ice storm after the snowstorm, so the snow was packed solid with ice. I couldn’t clear it with the shovel, and had to first chop it with the ice chopper. Three hours later, my arms, hands, and back are so sore. Why did I move to Maine???

  2. beth says:

    yes, onward to the sun and warmth

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