The Bench is Quiet

Happy Sunday, Modern Philosophers!

I just wanted to assure you that Aaron and Holly are both fine.  I’ve sent them on a little vacation because I’ve been too busy with other writing projects to share their adventures with you.  They are off somewhere having a great time, though.  Sadly, for those of you shipping them, they are staying in separate rooms on their vacation.

divorce, relationships, Modern Philosopher

For those of you wondering what’s more important than your weekly Aaron and Holly story, I’ll take a moment to update you.

This week was the Season Finale of The Nite Show. When it’s a shooting week, I spend most of my weekend writing monologue jokes. No, I don’t spend every waking hour writing jokes, but it takes my brain and funny bone time to reload after every batch of jokes I write. Trust me, I am a hilarious guy, but there’s only so much humor that can fit into the human body at a certain time. Once I expel it all onto the page, I have to wait for my body to regenerate more. And it’s not like I’m as young as I used to be. That means it takes even longer to reload the humor once I use it all.

I won’t bore you any further with the science of how the writing process works. Trust me when I tell you, though, that if I had been able to, I would have written a new Aaron and Holly story. You can blame science for my not being able to produce a new one for you. Science sucks, so I have no problem throwing it under the bus.

What’s my excuse this week? Am I going to blame science again? Actually, this time I point the finger at the top secret second novel I’m writing. The ideas have really been flowing for the past week and a half. So much so, that I even came up with the ending.

As you might remember, I don’t outline anything I write. I just make it up as I go along. So, until about a week ago, I was twenty-two chapters into the new novel and had no idea who the killer was, or how it was going to end. Now that I know, I’ve been working on the story during all my free time.

I think you’re really going to like this one, and better yet, I think agents and publishers might like it. Yes, I am still upset that querying the Bruno novel has not been successful. As a result, I really want/need for this one to go well.

The only drawback is that I need to focus all my creative energy on the novel. If it’s any consolation, I did go for a run this morning and when I was done, I sat on Aaron and Holly’s bench and plotted out the pages I plan to write for the novel today. Which means that Aaron and Holly are here in spirit. They’re never really too far away since they’re always having conversations in my brain.

I hope you’re all having a great weekend. Maybe Aaron and Holly will be back next Sunday!

About Austin

Native New Yorker who's fled to the quiet life in Maine. I write movies, root for the Yankees, and shovel lots of snow.
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4 Responses to The Bench is Quiet

  1. beth says:

    All great reasons

  2. markbialczak says:

    Good news on your creative fountain, Austin. Write what strikes you like a thunderbolt, my friend.

    • Austin says:

      Thanks, Mark. I’m going to require your Beta reading skills soon. I am very close to finishing the first draft of the new novel.

      I’ve actually been heavily editing the opening chapters as I write the end. I know the characters much better now, so I’m able to cut out a lot of nonsense they said and did. 🙂

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