Waking Up On Vacation

vacation, life, humor, Modern PhilosopherNot much beats the feeling of waking up and realizing that you are on vacation, Modern Philosophers.

Don’t be jealous.  I work very hard and I deserve a little time off to rest my brain.

Let’s be honest, though.  I’m not going to rest my brain much for the next ten days, but I will be putting it to much better use.  Because I’ll be writing all day, and not wasting brain cells on much not related to writing.

As always, people asked me if I had any plans for my vacation, and I just handed them a business card with my usual answer typed on it in an easy to read font…


I find the cards make life easier and keep me from repeating myself.  Plus, I got a really great deal on them at Staples, and they even laminated them for free.

You can’t beat that!

My vacation plan is simple: relax, write, run, and watch the Yankees.

vacation, life, humor, Modern PhilosopherI’m totally executing that plan to this point.  I ran 7.4 miles this morning.  I just finished watching the Yankees beat the Orioles, and now I’m relaxing out on the front porch while I write this blog post.

Day One and this vacation is a huge success!

When people inevitably ask me how running 7.4 miles is relaxing, I will answer that if I hadn’t been on vacation, I obviously would’ve run 7.5 miles.


Of course, my main goal is to crank out Episode 2 of my TV Series about my life in college.  That’s been percolating in my brain ever since I put the final touches on the Pilot.

It has been so much fun discussing the Pilot with my friends Dave and Fitz, who were the inspiration for two of the show’s main characters.  It puts me in a very creative state of mind to talk it out with them, and it makes this whole project seem much more real.

We are chatting about characters, their arcs, and potential story lines as if this show is moving forward.  Definitely provides me with all the motivation I need.

vacation, life, humor, Modern PhilosopherThe MLB Network has also made the great decision to broadcast the Yankees almost every day of my vacation.  I guess it was a good idea for me to send them all those letters demanding that they show my favorite team during my time off.

And they say no one listens anymore…

I’m not sure if I will be blogging much during my vacation, but if you don’t hear from me, it just means that writing Episode Two is taking up most of my time.

Just assume I’m out here on the porch of The House on the Hill, sipping a Snapple, and writing a TV show that you are definitely going to want to watch.

I hope you are all having a great weekend, because I definitely am!

About Austin

Native New Yorker who's fled to the quiet life in Maine. I write movies, root for the Yankees, and shovel lots of snow.
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7 Responses to Waking Up On Vacation

  1. grannyK says:

    have a wonderful vacation!

  2. markbialczak says:

    Enjoy not punching in to the job that pays for the House on the Hill, Austin!

  3. BarbCT says:

    Is the Devil vacationing, too? Enjoy your vacation.

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